Market Day (Entrepreneurship Fest) 2021 was Well-done!

Academic Year 2020/2021 has been hard and full of 'drama'. This whole year, all learning activities have been made online: classes, tests, and events. Market Day, grade 3's biggest event of term 3, was of no exception. Therefore, grade 3 teachers, parents, and students thought about how to do it very carefully as organizing an event that creates a crowd is strictly forbidden and should be avoided. 

At the beginning of term 3, we still had no idea of how to carry out the Market Day. As days passed by, some ideas came out from some teachers. There were three possibilities of how to carry that out. First, we would sell students' products to each student's family members. Second, we would join marketplaces/social media platforms for online marketing. Third, we would sell the products to students and parents of other classes and then deliver them on the term 4 learning supplies drive-thru which was held on Monday, March 22, 2021. 

After a brief determination, we finally decided to do the last option. We picked it because it was the only possible idea to do. It did not require us to market the products on any marketplaces or social media platforms, as it just needed a door-to-door promotion in each class's zoom meeting. Then, the delivery process would be easier as well because parents and students would come to school to take their learning supplies. As a consequence, as it was on a drive-thru, it did not create a crowd. 

The short period of preparation did not worry us. During the preparation period, all grade 3 students were put into four groups. Each group produced one product only: jam sandwich, choco balls, fruit juice, and hand sanitizer. We had two all-grade 3's meetings to discuss how students would make and promote the products. Assisted by a teacher, they discussed in detail how to do that in each group. They had the freedom to do the preparation on a group basis, as long as all of the members agreed.

After the preparation meetings, one representative of each group came together to all classes' zoom meetings in turns to promote the products. After the promotion, students and parents of other classes ordered the products through each class's WA group chat, then the homeroom teacher(s) informed us of the number. The duration for ordering the products was two days only. After ordering, they may pay for the ordered items with ovo or linkaja! They might also pay with cash on the drive-thru day. There was a teacher who was in charge of the payment.

Regardless of the short period of preparation, alhamdulillah the Market Day went successfully. The products were sold out. The organization of this event proved that despite the pandemic, we could still find options and worked together to make something meaningful happen.

As a reflection, students had an opportunity to learn to be entrepreneurs who need to find ways no matter whatever challenges they have. In addition to that, as they will donate the money and profit obtained for charity, they learn how to implement Pancasila in real life. All and all, we would say that this teamwork of teachers, parents, and students is great and worth appreciating. 
